Are you 18 years old?
не более 4 g / dm³
14-16 °С

, 0,75


Taman is known since ancient times as the cradle of viticulture and winemaking. The warm climate, the strategically advantageous position and the incredible fertility of these places have turned the peninsula into a crossroads of civilizations. Local winemaking originated in the VI century BC, when ancient tribes with their culture came to these lands. "Makitra Selection" - wine-story, wine-history. It takes us to those ancient, mysterious times, when mythical creatures gathered on Mount Makitra, which is the place of Taman's power, to hold their "symposium" - joint wine drinking, accompanied by philosophical conversations.

Picking berries for Russian wine with ZNMP "South Coast of Taman" aged dry red "Merlot. Makitra Selection" was carried out from September to October with the optimum sugar content of 21-23%. Processing was carried out according to the classic method for red wines. The wort on the pulp was sent for fermentation using pure yeast cultures in stainless steel containers at temperatures up to 25 ° C with regular irrigation of the "cap" of the pulp for the extraction of aromatic substances. After fermentation, wine was removed from the pulp, a pure culture of bacteria was introduced for malolactic fermentation, followed by removal from the sediment after the end of the process. The wine was aged in contact with alternative oak using microoxidation technology for 9 months, after which aging was continued in stainless steel tanks for 24 months.

Merlot. Makitra Selection" was released in a limited edition of 13,900 bottles.

The Makitra Selection series is a dialogue of cultures and civilizations that have passed through the centuries and created the Taman Peninsula as we know it today. Together with LUDING.


Where to buy
ZG agency