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Wine Retail Forum

This event annually brings together industry experts: government officials, top management of federal and regional retail chains, manufacturers and suppliers of products and equipment, FMCG representatives, logistics companies, warehouse developers, as well as industry associations of retailers, analysts and experts in the retail sector and representatives , leading media.

This year, the Chateau Tamagne brand acted as a strategic brand at the Wine Retail forum, held as part of Russian Retail Week. Representatives of Kuban-Vino top management took an active part in the sessions, discussing important aspects of the changing alcohol market.

The chief winemaker of Kuban-Vino, Vanda Ivanovna Botnar, together with Artur Sargsyan, held a large tasting workshop, introducing forum visitors to the brand’s new products.

In addition to the business program, Wine Retail hosted a traditional wine salon, where guests were able to get acquainted with the best samples.

ZG agency