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Young wines from the 2023 harvest

Dry red and white “Molodoye”, as well as sparkling “Riesling”, “Muscat”, “Krasnostop” have been released in limited editions and will soon go on sale throughout the country.

The grapes for such wines are harvested by hand, subjected to minimal processing, and within a month after harvest the drinks are ready for bottling and direct consumption.

Kuban-Vino has been producing dry red “Molodoye” under the Chateau Tamagne brand since 2005. The wine is already known and loved by consumers, who call it an analogue of the French Beaujolais Nouveau. It is created from the Saperavi variety, known for its bright character and juicy taste. Dry white is a new product from the winery; the first release of this wine was released in 2022. It is made from the “Rkatsiteli” variety. The main feature of the technology is the preservation of natural carbon dioxide, due to which the wine receives an unusually harmonious taste and a light play of bubbles in the aftertaste.

Young sparkling wines brut white “Riesling”, semi-dry rose “Krasnostop” and semi-dry white “Muscat” are created using original technology developed by the chief winemaker of “Kuban-Vino” Vanda Botnar. The production method, thanks to the gentle processing of raw materials, allows you to preserve the entire palette of taste and aroma of fresh grapes in the drink. This year, young sparkling wines have updated their packaging design. The new bottle shape emphasizes the elegance and sophistication of the product.

A total of 16,500 bottles of each type of young sparkling wine, 47,000 of dry white and 86,500 of dry red wine will be produced. They will be bottled in full for the holiday of new wine, traditionally celebrated on the third Thursday of November.

ZG agency