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Internship students will create their own wine at the Chateau Tamagne Oenology Center

Now 27 children from various educational institutions of Russia are on probation at the factory. In total, 140 students from 19 universities and colleges of the country will visit the Oenology Center during the season. The largest number of trainees, 90 people, the enterprise will accept during the grape harvest period - from August to September.

For the period of practice, the company concludes fixed-term employment contracts with all students, curators draw up an internship plan, which includes an introduction to production, theoretical and practical parts. All the main technological operations of wine production are performed by the guys under the guidance of experienced mentors.

This year, one of the innovations of the practice is the project "Wine by Students' Hands", in which the guys will go all the way: from choosing a grape variety, processing it to bottling the finished product into bottles, and create their own product. All periods of production and authorship will be contained in the QR code on the back label of the bottles.

“Our company is growing very actively, and interns for us are a fresh look and our future. The guys get the opportunity to look at the industry from the inside. For students, this is a springboard to a profession, and for a company, it is an opportunity to grow an employee from scratch. If an intern shows good results, he gets into our personnel reserve, and after he graduates from an educational institution, we take him on the staff. Some of the guys who came to us a couple of years ago for an internship are already taking the positions of technologists,” said Artem Vasiliev, head of production at the Chateau Tamagne Center for Oenology, curator of the student program.

The Kuban-Vino company has been developing a program for training professional personnel and forming a personnel reserve since 2017. Students of specialized areas are invited to practice: faculties of processing technologies, horticulture and viticulture, food industry, departments of winemaking technology and fermentation production. Every year the list of partner universities grows. This year, in addition to regional educational institutions, the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University and Bashkir State Agrarian University.

ZG agency