Are you 18 years old?
8-18 g / dm³
12 °С

, 0,75


In September 2019, a group of cavists, members of the Association of Cavists of Russia, underwent a one-week internship at the Kuban-Vino winery. They manually harvested faded citronniy magaracha grapes, carefully sorted and loaded the grapes with whole clusters into vinifiers. Thanks to the work of professional cavists and the skill of our winemakers orange wine was born. The experimental batch created using classic technologies for the production of orange wines and the modern equipment of the Chateau Tamagne Oenology Center.

A distinctive feature of the production technology of this type of wine is fermentation according to the "red pattern" of white varieties, i.e. fermentation in contact with the pulp followed by a long, post-fermented exposure to the pulp. Fermentation is carried out at a controlled temperature under close control of physic and chemical parameters. Post-enzymatic exposure lasts until February, a delicate pressing mode is carried out on a basket press. The result is a subtle, harmonious and brand new “Orange Wine”. Variety "citronniy magaracha" is ideal for creating this type of wine. It is this variety that experts recommend for the production of high-quality, elite wines.


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